QR Code Login

For large groups of players, it often makes sense to log in all your players at once using a QR code.

Here is how it works:

  1. You generate a login QR code in your games settings page. You select whether they have the ability to logout of the game.
  2. You print this code or put it up on a projector.
  3. The players are handed devices that have ARIS installed, but have not been logged in.
  4. On the ARIS client login screen, the players touch the large QR code icon, which launches the QR scanner.
  5. They point their camera at your code, generated above, to automatically create a new account and launch a specific game.
  6. If logout was disabled, you scan a special code to get them out of the game.

If you would like to manually generate a QR code, the following string is used as the contents:


the {} and the stuff in between them needs to be replaced with their corresponding numbers. If any piece is left out, it will resort to default.

Here is an example:


2 = version 2 of the QR start code function (always needed)

p1 = users create a profile image and name. If p0 was used, they would use defaults and not take a profile picture.

gr = Add them to group "65," a tool for you to later differentiate player log data

g13002 = launch game 13002

l1 = players are allowed to leave the game and go to the game pickers. If l0 was used, players would not be able to leave the game

Logging in an Existing User

For re-logging in an existing user, ARIS will not need the p or gr data, but instead will require the user_id and the 32 character auth_token. In this case, the format is:


Here is an example:


2 = version 2 of the QR start code function (always needed)

g13002 = launch game 13002

l1 = players are allowed to leave the game and go to the game pickers. If l0 was used, players would not be able to leave the game

user id = 76492

auth token = 9d8f6g9f3j5j5iwe84o5id45jd99fj3is