|07|. Write the dialog text for the editor conversation


Start by creating the Characters who will be part of this Conversation - i.e., the player and the editor. Note that the player is automatically added to the Conversation. So, you’ll only need to add the editor.

  1. Click on the “Editor” in the Left Sidebar (under Conversations)
  2. Click on Script Editor
  3. Click on the + in the Left Sidebar next to Characters.
  4. Create a new character
    • Name: Editor
    • Title: Editor
    • Media: Skip for now
    • Save

You should now have two Characters (or people) associated with this Conversation. One is “You” (which is actually the player) and the other is the “Editor”.

Now that you have characters, you can begin building the dialog tree - i.e., the lines of dialog and choices the player will see when they view the Conversation with the Editor.

5. Build a New Conversation

  • Click the + above “Start Conversation”. This will give you a white box, which is where you will eventually type the first line that is spoken in the Conversation. Notice that you’ll also see a black line that points down to a green box that has “Bye-bye” written in it. The green box represents the choice the player has after reading the first line. At this point, there is only one choice for the player to make. If a player viewed this Conversation in ARIS (on their iOS device), they would meet the Editor and he would say “Hello”. The player would then be able to click on “Bye-bye” to exit the Conversation. Let’s change this, so that it makes more sense.
  • Click on the first white box. This box represents the first line the Editor will say to the player when they meet him. Enter the following in the Right Sidebar in the Edit Line box.
    • Speaker: Editor (i.e., who is saying this line of dialog?)
    • Text: “I’ve been waiting for you. I need you to write a story about the protests. Are you ready?”
    • Edit Events: Ignore this
    • Save

Because the editor asks the player a question (“Are you ready?), let’s make it so that the player can answer “Yes” or “No”. Since your Conversation currently has only only one choice for the player to make, your first step will be to add a new branch or choice.

6. Add a new dialog branch to the Conversation. To do this, click on the black arrow pointing right just under the white box.

7. Next, click on the down arrow above the green box that says “Bye-Bye”.

8. Now you should have two Choices (i.e., two blue boxes). Change these, so that one reads “Yes” and the other reads “No”. To do this click on the boxes and make changes in the Right Sidebar.

9. Continue and create the options dialog tree shown below.

ed convo.jpg

Note that the light blue boxes are the buttons or prompts players will be able to choose from during the Conversation. In this case, the player can choose “Yes” or “No” when asked if they are ready.